why solar warm air?

The indoor climate in well insulated modern houses is normally healthy for your fuel bill but certainly not always for your health. The problem stems from the missing air renewal.
Gone are the days of natural ventilation through numerous small leaks in our houses. Instead we find tight windows and doors, while walls and ceilings are sealed by vapor barriers. Moisture on the inside of the double glazing has become a sign of an unsound indoor climate.

Radon is a radioactive gas, we can not see, smell or taste it: special equipment is needed in order to detect it. It comes from the rocks and soil found everywhere in Spain.
The radon level in the air we breathe outside is very low but can be higher inside buildings. High levels of radon can cause lung cancer, particularly for smokers and ex-smokers. Radon produces tiny radioactive particles in the air we breathe.
Radiation from these particles damages our lung tissue, and over a long period may cause lung cancer. The higher the level and the longer the period of exposure, the greater the risk will be.
It is estimated that 3 - 14% of lung cancer deaths in Spain are attributable to residential radon exposure.
This corresponds to around 2000 deaths each year (Spain 2012) out of the annual total of 21,160 lung cancer deaths (Spain 2014).
With the correct SolarVenti® panel installed you can eliminate 70-80% radon gas from your property.
For more information on radon gas, we recommend that you visit Public Health England's special site on radon gas called UKradon press this link:
UKradon (UK site)
UKradon has a map of UK radon prone areas, which you can see on this link:
On UKradon you can also study how to measure for radon gas in your UK house, please press this link:
UKradon measuring radon (UK site)

For health reasons, it's important to maintain a proper humidity level in your home.
While too little humidity can cause some discomfort issues such as chapped lips as well as cracks in wooden furniture, the reverse side of the coin - too much moisture, can make your home a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can lead to some very serious health issues.
Some homes may have moisture problems only at certain times of the year, such as in Spring when there is a lot of ground water runoff, while other residences need help to control moisture levels, year round.
There are also times when moisture is a problem only in one room or area of the home and though small, this should not be neglected.
Typically we see high humidity levels in basements.
Solar powered warm air from a SolarVenti® panel which is being blown into at humid room, will result in elemination of the humid air, in some cases the system requires an exit ventilation hole for the humidair to be transported out of the room/house.
SolarVenti panels are your best and foremost economic solution in combatting humidity.

In most new houses architects has attempted to ensure a sound indoor climate by ventilation through fresh air ducts.
However, the air renewal supply of many buildings, has not been dimensioned to meet the actual needs of modern homes.
This causes a bad indoor climate, and in serious cases it may involve health risks, due to dry rot in the walls and structure of the building.

Buildings left unused for longer parts of a year, are particularly exposed in terms of damaging humidity outside most of the holiday season.
The indoor climate suffers due to the relatively low temperatures along with the closed windows and locked doors. Typical signs to look for are stale air and lumps in the sugar bowl when the house is being visited during weekends or opened for the season.
More than 70,000 customers have experienced that the SolarVenti can solve the problem of moist and unsound indoor climate - without any operating costs. This is true even on days or during periods when sunlight is scarce. When the system has been in operation for some time the overall moisture content of the building materials and the furniture will have been lowered and the living conditions for the dry rot destroyed.
Moreover, an increasing number of clients find that the SolarVenti ® is capable of removing moisture and creating a sounder indoor climate in houses designed for year-round use. To this may be added a list of other potential applications, eg for basements, caravans, boats, containers, museums etc.
• Eliminate Humidity
For many reasons including health, it's crucial to maintain a proper humidity level inside your building otherwise it can lead to issues such as bad odor, wet clothes, cracks in wooden furniture, etc. In extreme cases, an increased level of humidity can also lead to mold and mildew formation, which causes some very serious health problems. But don’t worry! With our solar warm air heating panel, you can avoid all this from happening.
• Eliminate Radon Gas
Radon Gas is known for its radioactive properties and annually causes around 2000 deaths in Spain. With our correct SolarVenti panel, you can detect and eliminate Radon Gas from the air and save yourself from its harmful consequences. So, consider installing our powerful air ventilation system and eliminate 70-80% Radon Gas from your space.
• Adequate Ventilation
The air renewal supply of many structures is not dimensioned to meet the genuine needs of modern houses. This can actually form an unhealthy indoor climate and in some cases, it may involve health risks including respiratory issues. Therefore, ensure a ventilated indoor climate by using our solar warm air ventilation system.
• No Operating Costs at all
The environment-friendly and money-saving nature of our products is what makes us stand out from the crowd. Our ventilation systems and dehumidifiers are operated by solar energy. So, if you really want to solve the problem of moist and unsound indoor climate without dealing with any operating costs, SolarVenti is the name you should count on!
For more information, feel free to contact us anytime!